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Answer "How hard is it to care of Staffordshire Terrier?"

How hard is it to care of Staffordshire Terrier?

This "How hard is it to care of Staffordshire Terrier?" answer for dog breed Staffordshire Bull Terrier was viewed by 6079 visitors.

Country of origin: England
Nicknames: Staffy, Staff, SBT, Stafford, Staffy Bull.
Height: Male
Weight: Male

Staffordshire Bull terriers have a very strong health. Their short hair does not require any special care. You just should sometimes bathe and comb out your dog. They can get mites and fleas in their thin and dry hair. It is recommended to apply some medications to its hair and comb it with a special brush during warmer months.

You should also take care of its paws, ears, teeth, and anal glands.

Staffordshire Terriers are representatives of one of the breeds, which can tolerate extreme weather. On a hot day, your dog will prefer to lie down in the shadows. It requires having a big amount of fresh and cold water (child pool can also be used, but it is recommended to keep an eye on your dog).

These dogs are short-faced, which means that the structure of their respiratory system can cause overheating. You should pay an attention to it during active play in summer. If you notice that your dog has shortness of breath, immediately find the nearest source of cold water and moisten its body in order to lower the temperature.

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