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Answer "How hard is it to train Berner Sennenhund?"

How hard is it to train Berner Sennenhund?

This "How hard is it to train Berner Sennenhund?" answer for dog breed Berner Laufhund was viewed by 6120 visitors.

Country of origin: Switzerland
Nicknames: Small Bernese Hound

As well as all the working dogs, Zennenhunds love to train and do something new, making their owners happy with their achievements. The puppies of this breed are pretty big, so they have an advantage – you can start training your Zennenhund at a very early age. However, these dogs grow up slowly, both physically and mentally, so you should not pressurize your puppy if it fails to train properly.

Of course, these dogs are not geniuses of training. Training your puppy will require you to show hardness, consistency, and great patience. Despite their size, Zennenhunds do not like when rough training methods are applied to them. To prevent your dog from getting problems with its musculoskeletal system, do not allow it to jump and pull heavy things until it reaches 2 years.

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