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Answer "How do I deal with jumping dogs?"

How do I deal with jumping dogs?

This "How do I deal with jumping dogs?" answer was viewed by 6202 visitors.

Well-trained dogs – is something that requires you to spend a lot of time. Some commands can be learned really quickly, the others will require you to invest a huge amount of patience and time. But your hard work is always rewarded, so you will get your well-trained pet that would never embarrass you.

So, what should you do if your dog jumps on you? It is a very annoying habit: no one wants their clothes to be spoiled by dirty footprints. And what to do if this person is just a stranger, who just wanted to pet your dog. Do not want to blush? Here is the way to prevent your dog from jumping on people.

First of all, this requirement "do not jump on people" has to be executed towards you, because the dog does not understand, why it can't express its happiness to you by this way. To prevent your pet from doing it, you should carefully hit your dog with your knee in the moment of the jump. The dog will understand that this kind of behavior is undesirable for its owner.

Your dog may also think that the higher it jumps, the more attention it gets, so show that the attention is only given to those, who stand on all the four paws. Do not forget do add "No" command during the correction process to make the result clearer. Be firm and consistent. Clearly let the dog know what kind of behavior you expect it to show, and the result will not be slow to appear and will definitely please you.

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