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Answer "What games should I play with my american staffordshire terrier?"

What games should I play with my american staffordshire terrier?

This "What games should I play with my american staffordshire terrier?" answer for dog breed American Staffordshire Terrier was viewed by 6793 visitors.

Country of origin: United States
Nicknames: AmStaff
Height: 17.5 to 19 in (44 to 48 cm)[1]
Weight: should be in proportion with height

American Staffordshire Terriers love all the active games such as "bring and catch" and item search. These dogs will enjoy throwing stick game, Frisbee, rubber ring tugging (but be careful – American Staffordshire Terriers are very strong).

But their nature makes them also love games of pursuit and evasion. That is the most noticeable in puppyhood. A puppy can "attack" its owner from behind and follow him, trying to bite his leg. This kind of behavior should not be accepted as normal, but you should also not punish your puppy to hard because this kind of games is required for your puppy to help him learn how to use its teeth. You can correct this behavior by redirecting it on toys (paper balls, rope toys, etc.), but you should watch the security because the puppy can eat or suffocate with a toy.

Answer for dog breed "American Staffordshire Terrier"

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