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Answer "What kind of character does neapolitan mastiff have?"

What kind of character does neapolitan mastiff have?

This "What kind of character does neapolitan mastiff have?" answer for dog breed Neapolitan Mastiff was viewed by 6351 visitors.

Country of origin: Italy

One of the most noteworthy breeds that exist today – is Neapolitan Mastiff. The weight of these large dogs can exceed 70 kg. These dogs look amazingly strong and hardy. This dog can execute the commands even better than machines made by a human. These muscles would easily fit some shepherd dog or a guardian dog.

Many owners prefer to buy Neapolitan Mastiffs of blue color because the guard has to vanish in the darkness. Firstly, these dogs were bred to protect their owner and his property. But, despite that fact, Neapolitans Mastiffs have a very calm character; they are very loyal, not excessively aggressive and will never bite without a reason.

Do not think that Neapolitan Mastiff is some kind of fighting dog. If you want to have a dog for THIS reason, please note that you will have to break the individuality of your pet to make it do this.

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